The most entrepreneurial countries in the G20, ranked

mike lynch dark trace

Matt LLoyd/Rex Features

Mike Lynch, the UK’s most successful digital entrepreneur.

Consultancy and accountancy firm EY this week released a report called “Disrupting the disruptors” looking at digital entrepreneurship in the G20.

In it, EY grouped the G20 members into four, ranking them on how accommodating they are to digital entrepreneurship.

To do that, EY looked at four factors: access to finance, entrepreneurial culture, regulation and tax (called digital business environment in the report), education, and support (called digital knowledge base and ICT market).

For each category, EY gave countries a mark out of 10 and we’ve rounded up the ranking for entrepreneurial culture below.

EY doesn’t reveal its exact methodology but makes clear in the report that a big factor is the number of patents generated by each country, rather than simply the number of new companies started up. This means it looks like EY is trying to measure entrepreneurship within existing companies — clever.

Check out the ranking below:

20. Russia = 1.99

Access to finance: 3.53.

Digital business environment: 5.53.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 4.18.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 3.39.

19. India = 2.46

Access to finance: 5.20.

Digital business environment: 5.53.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 3.85.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 2.40.

18. Italy = 2.51

Access to finance: 2.45.

Digital business environment: 4.87.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 5.66.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 4.38.

17. Argentina = 2.59

Access to finance: 1.17.

Digital business environment: 2.85.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 4.31.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 2.68.

16. China = 3.68

Access to finance: 5.95.

Digital business environment: 4.47.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 4.53.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 4.36.

15. Mexico = 3.77

Access to finance: 3.99.

Digital business environment: 4.37.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 2.39.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 4.16.

14. Indonesia = 4.15

Access to finance: 5.71.

Digital business environment: 4.56.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 3.34.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 4.13.

13. Turkey = 4.45

Access to finance: 4.57.

Digital business environment: 4.96.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 5.00.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 3.22.

10. South Africa = 4.61

Access to finance: 6.91.

Digital business environment: 5.19.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 3.85.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 4.3.7

11. Brazil = 4.84

Access to finance: 4.14.

Digital business environment: 3.39.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 1.87.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 2.57.

10. France = 6.10

Access to finance: 7.01.

Digital business environment: 5.91.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 7.60.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 7.49.

9. South Korea = 6.45

Access to finance: 3.79.

Digital business environment: 6.66.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 7.26.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 6.06.

8. EU = 6.46

Access to finance: 5.54.

Digital business environment: 6.28.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 6.72.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 7.11.

7. Saudi Arabia = 6.56

Access to finance: 6.59.

Digital business environment: 6.30.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 4.43.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 5.20.

6. Australia = 7.33

Access to finance: 7.14.

Digital business environment: 6.31.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 7.69.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 7.40.

5. Canada = 7.80

Access to finance: 8.09.

Digital business environment: 7.27.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 7.58.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 7.64.

4. United Kingdom = 7.96

Access to finance: 8.09.

Digital business environment: 7.27.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 7.58.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 8.96.

3. Japan = 7.97

Access to finance: 7.37.

Digital business environment: 6.34.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 7.72.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 7.56.

2. Germany = 8.65

Access to finance: 6.45.

Digital business environment: 6.48.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 6.70.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 7.82.

1. US = 9.67

Access to finance: 8.08.

Digital business environment: 6.85.

Digital skills and entrepreneurial education: 8.44.

Digital knowledge base and IT market: 9.10.

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