Why the final season of ‘Girls’ is a heartbreaking must-watch

girls final season

Mark Schafer/HBO

“Girls” stars, from left, Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet, Allison Williams, and Lena Dunham.

I’m under no illusion that I can easily convince someone who has never watched “Girls” to tune in now that the HBO show is about to air its series finale on Sunday.

But I know the show has lost some viewers over the years — and I get why — and this is my appeal to those viewers to come back on board for season six.

Every season, I approach “Girls” having prepared myself to be annoyed by Hannah (Lena Dunham) and her similarly self-obsessed friends. There’s clueless Marnie (Allison Williams), who’s obsessed with becoming famous, and has left a trail of broken hearts along the way. And self-destructive Jessa’s (Jemima Kirk) antics were starting to get really old. And when were they going to realize that Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet) was the smartest person in the crew?

I have been greatly surprised and moved by this season, though. Here are the reasons you should you come back to watch the final season of “Girls”:

1. It needed to end, and it’s finally get an end that solves a lot of issues.

When it comes to the group’s storylines, a final season was the best thing that ever happened to the show. Growing up was the solution to all of the most annoying parts of the show and its characters flaws. And “Girls” is pulling off the bandage swiftly and painfully.

2. It will break even your cold, cynical heart.

The show isn’t going for happy endings. As in real life, the distance created between friends and lovers can sometimes be insurmountable. And while the show speeds over time in the 10-episode final season, it doesn’t try to patch up those problems to give us warm, happy feelings. There are revelations and friendships will end. You’ll be consoled with the knowledge that the world doesn’t wrap everything in bows. In the case of “Girls,” we get a tattered plastic shopping bag.

3. The writers and producers will earn back your respect.

Whether executive producers Dunham, Jenni Konner, and Judd Apatow and their team of writer/producers always knew where these stories would end isn’t the important part. What matters is that it feels like they did, and they’re executing this season so well and so appropriately. You may have been put off by past offenses, but this season makes up for all of that. In this case, the end does justify the means.

4. Whether you gave it one season or five, you have earned this season.

Once upon a time, there was something about the girl who believed she was the voice of the millennial generation and her messed-up friends that interested you. Your interest may have gone unrewarded by some of the show’s strange story swings or Dunham’s indulgent Hannah-only episodes or simply the excess of watching horrible people doing horrible things.

But clearly Dunham and the other writers/producers on the show weren’t clueless. And this season is your reward for putting up with the show for however long you did. You deserve to see the rich finish.

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