Seth Meyers examines the relationship between Trump and Fox News, his ‘propaganda arm’

seth meyers donald trump fox news channel late night nbc

“Late Night with Seth Meyers”/NBC; YouTube

Seth Meyers dedicated Wednesday’s “A Closer Look” on his “Late Night” to the cozy relationship between President Donald Trump and Fox News Channel.

“Fox is basically the closest thing we have to state TV,” the host said. “In fact, the relationship between Trump and Fox News has turned into something of a mutual appreciation society, where they heap praise on one another.”

Meyers pointed to Trump’s many tweets citing Fox News reports and urging his followers to watch its programs, including a recent episode of “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” in which the host blamed House Speaker Paul Ryan for the failure of the GOP healthcare bill and called for him to step down. Meyers also mentioned when Trump complimented “Fox & Friends” during a press conference, a clip the program later replayed to host Steve Doocy’s shock.

“The president literally just recommends TV shows now,” Meyers said. “Instead of a Bible, Trump should have been sworn in on a TV Guide.”

Meyers allowed that there are a few Fox News hosts who have covered Trump “skeptically,” mentioning Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace. But more often, according to Meyers, Fox News rewards Trump’s support with favorable coverage and he then gives them preferential treatment.

“They give him glowing, unquestionable coverage, and in return, he gives them unparalleled access,” Meyers said. “They’ll go to absurd lengths to defend him. Like on Friday, Fox News host Eric Bolling tried to compare President Obama’s first quarter in office, which was dominated by the financial crisis, to President Trump’s first quarter — a comparison so dumb even his fellow panelists started laughing at him.”

But Meyers argues the close ties became even more problematic when Trump defended Bill O’Reilly against allegations of sexual harassment earlier this week, amid an exodus of more than 20 advertisers from Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor.”

“Soon the only advertisers left on his show are going to be Ivanka Trump’s clothing line and Steve Bannon’s skin worsener,” Meyers joked.

“So this is the network that the president relies on for information,” Meyers added, “a network with an archaic culture of sexual harassment, fear, and intimidation that also serves, with a few exceptions, as a propaganda arm.”

Watch Seth Meyers latest “A Closer Look” below:

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