Caitlyn Jenner challenges Trump on transgender bathroom rights ‘disaster’: ‘Call me’

Caitlyn Jenner questioned President Donald Trump’s dedication to LGBT rights after he rolled back former President Barack Obama’s guidelines allowing transgender students to use school bathrooms that matched their gender identity.

“I have a message for President Trump from, well, one Republican to another,” Jenner said in a video posted on Twitter. “This is a disaster. And you can still fix it. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.”

In addition to the message to Trump, the Olympian and reality star expressed optimism about “winning” full rights for transgender Americans. She also called out Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was reportedly active in the decision to roll back Obama’s school bathroom guidelines.

“Now I have a message for the bullies: You’re sick,” she said. “And because you’re weak, you pick on kids, you pick on women or anyone else you think is vulnerable. Apparently even becoming the attorney general isn’t enough to cure some people of their insecurities.”

Jenner was under increased pressure on social media and from activists to speak out on the bathroom issue, because she supported Trump’s presidential candidacy and was mentioned in a press conference with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday.

A reporter asked how Trump reconciles rolling back transgender school bathroom guidelines with his comment during the election that Jenner could use any bathroom in Trump Tower that she wanted. Spicer played down the LGBT angle and said that Trump believed the bathroom guidelines were an example of federal overreach and that the issue is one of state rights.

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