People are trolling a conservative election fraud tip line on Election Day

voting on tuesdays last week tonight john oliver hbo

“Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”/HBO; YouTube

People are taking advantage of conservatives’ fears of possible voter fraud on Election Day by trolling a tip line set up by right wing activist James O’Keefe.

Internet jokesters are flooding the Project Veritas tip line listed on the conservative group’s website with outrageously phony accounts of voter fraud at the polls. 

The trolling was prompted by Virgil Texas, a writer and podcaster who is notorious for political pranks on the internet, after he suggested Twitter users should do “something productive today and troll” O’Keefe’s tip line.

Users began posting their submissions to the tip line on Twitter, which Texas then retweeted.

“One pregnant woman was allowed to vote twice because the poll workers said her baby counted as a person. She then gave birth and the baby was allowed to vote AGAIN!” one supposed user from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania submitted.

“I was unable to reach the polls due to dangerous and unacceptable conditions on the New York Subway. Homeless people, possibly paid by the campaigns were strategically placed around the MTA station in an attempt to scare me into not voting,” another submission read.

O’Keefe and his organization, Project Veritas, have produced several undercover videos this year purporting to show corruption on behalf of Democratic officials attempting to sway the election.

The Blaze has called the organization’s video editing techniques “questionable.” Snopes has described Project Veritas’s videos as being comprised of “stitched-together, out-of-context remarks with no indication of what occurred or what was discussed just before and after the included portions.”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, has repeatedly warned his supporters to be wary of potential voter fraud on Election Day.  

Here are some of the submissions people on Twitter are sharing:

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