28 celebrities who love and endorse Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

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They’re all “with her.”

The Democratic National Convention has a much more high-profile list of pop-culture names attending than last week’s Republican counterpart. At the RNC, it was Antonio Sabato Jr. and Scott Baio, but now it’s Katy Perry and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar coming out to show their allegiance.

Though Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has his share of celebrity endorsements, Hillary Clinton seems to have a larger fan base in Hollywood.

Many celebrities joined Elizabeth Banks in celebrating Clinton’s history-making presidential nomination Tuesday night at the DNC by singing “Fight Song.”

According to Politico, Clinton raked in $75,000 from Reese Witherspoon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Steven Spielberg, Ben Affleck, and Quincy Jones, who all donated $2,700, the maximum allowed for a primary. George and Amal Clooney hosted two fundraisers for her that earned $15 million, according to Deadline.

Even Beyoncé showed up at a fundraiser.

Clinton’s celebrity supporters range from musicians and actors to Hollywood moguls. Here are some of her most notable famous endorsers and what they’ve said about her.

Sarah Silverman

The comedian spoke on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, saying “I will vote for Hillary Clinton with gusto.”

Silverman was previously a Bernie Sanders supporter but said the people who are Bernie-or-bust are “ridiculous” and that a vital part of being involved in Sanders’ movement is “making absolutely sure that Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States.”

Meryl Streep

The 19-time Oscar-nominated actress spoke on the second night of the DNC, and included Clinton in a long line of groundbreaking women like Madeleine Albright, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, and Sandra Day O’Connor.

“Hillary Clinton has taken some fire over 40 years of her fight for families and children,” Streep said in her speech. “How does she do it? That’s what I want to know. Where does she get her grit and her grace? Where do any of our female firsts, our path breakers — where do they find that strength?”

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

The basketball legend wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post about why he was endorsing Clinton in this “crucial” election. He first explained the importance of the 2016 election and then complimented Bernie Sanders for being a “decent man.”

But Clinton possesses that rare but crucial combination of idealism and pragmatism. She can both envision a better world and take the necessary steps to make that vision a reality,” Abdul-Jabbar wrote. “In Clinton we have a proven warrior who has both the commitment and record of accomplishment to lead the fight.”

Abdul-Jabbar will also speak at the DNC.

Lena Dunham

The “Girls” creator and star has admitted to being “worked up” over the possibility of the first female president. In an op-ed for TIME, Dunham wrote why she is endorsing Clinton for president — not because of her gender but because of her stance on reproductive rights, gun violence, and more issues close to Dunham.

Dunham was joined by fellow Clinton supporter America Ferrera during the second night of the DNC and spoke out against Donald Trump and praised Clinton for her work for sexual assault survivors in her home state of New York.

“Hillary knows that access and opportunity are the American promise, not transphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and systemic racism,” Dunham said during her speech. “She knows we have to fight hatred of all kinds and not ignite it for the purpose of seeking power.”

America Ferrera

The actress wrote an op-ed for The Huffington Post about “Why Hillary Clinton Thrills the Hell Out of Me.” 

Or maybe, just maybe, I’m voting for Hillary because no candidate in this race has done more to empower this first-generation American millennial woman, raised by a single immigrant mother, and educated in public schools, to grow up and contribute back to society,” she wrote. “She believes in the potential of a girl like me. And I believe in the potential of a president like her.”

Ferrera also spoke on the second night of the DNC alongside Dunham, where she referenced Donald Trump’s views of Latinos in America.

“Donald’s not making America great again. He’s making America hate again,” she said in her speech. “And the vast majority of us, we cannot afford to see his vision of America come to be.”

Katy Perry

The pop star’s anthem “Roar” is featured on Clinton’s Spotify playlist, and she has performed at several campaign stops. She also dubbed herself Clinton’s “#1 fan” on Twitter, expressing her excitement for performing at the DNC. 

Chloë Grace Moretz

The young “Neighbors 2″ actress is on the guest list to speak at the DNC and has been active along the campaign trail. She also made a pun-filled post on Instagram on National Donut Day, reminding people “do-nut forget to vote” for Clinton.

Debra Messing

A fairly odd choice, the “Will and Grace” star is also set to speak at the DNC. Messing famously got in a Twitter war with die-hard Bernie Sanders supporter Susan Sarandon.

Your voice is powerful and influential. You not clearly disavowing Trump implies that u consider him (vs Hillary),” read one of Messing’s tweets to Sarandon.

Ted Danson and wife Mary Steenburgen

The Hollywood couple frequently joined Clinton on the campaign trail and have been active supporters for quite some time.

I admire Hillary Clinton and I’m in awe of her wisdom and knowledge and fierce determination to make things better,” Danson told New York Daily News. “I would not be happy with myself if I didn’t go out and do everything I could.”

I think that she’s smart,” Steenburgen told a New York Times reporter. “I think that if you laid out every single résumé of every single presidential candidate, and took their names off and their gender off, there’s only one that stands out as being the world’s most qualified person to be in this role for all the different reasons… I’m very much for her and proud to be so.”

Amy Schumer

The actress and comedian has shown support for Clinton on Twitter and even crashed Clinton’s interview on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” which actually led Clinton to praise Schumer for her stance on gun violence.

Schumer also joked about offering Clinton help with her campaign: “I was like, ‘I’m a huge fan, if there’s anything I can do to help with your campaign…’ I’ll never forget, she was like, ‘Errrrr …’”

As she does, Schumer also chose to satirize the potential historical moment of the first female president on her variety show “Inside Amy Schumer.” 

Lady Gaga

Mother Monster has shown support for Clinton since last year when she showed off a “Yaaas Hillary!” T-shirt. The superstar also took to Twitter — sporting an American flag swimsuit in the most Gaga of ways — to encourage people to vote for “the 1st female US president in history” because “this country could use a little rock n’ roll.”

According to CNN, Gaga is also one of the artists set to headline the “Camden Uprising” concert next Thursday for Democratic convention delegates and invited guests.

Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer

The “Broad City” creators and stars had Clinton on their show in a GIF-worthy moment. Their characters freak out upon meeting Clinton, which worked well for the stars, who admitted to “freaking out so hard” when they met her in real life.

“To not be filming was what was weird,” Glazer said in an interview on “Late Night with Seth Meyers.” “It was like, ‘Can we keep screaming in your face?’”

Jacobson also posted this memorable photo on Instagram celebrating when Clinton announced her candidacy.


The pop diva has tweeted support for Clinton, and made a surprise appearance at the “She’s with Us” concert in honor of Clinton.

I’ve known her for a long time now and I have to say that no matter which way the political winds have blown at any moment, her moral compass has always pointed toward grace, justice for genders, and justice for sexual orientation, which is big for me. All of those things are important to me,” Cher said at the concert, according to Billboard.

Morgan Freeman

The voice of God himself narrated a campaign ad for Clinton called “All the Good,” and you probably can’t get a stronger endorsement from Freeman than him offering his soothing voice for your use. 

“Her life’s work has been about breaking barriers, and so would her presidency,” Freeman said.

The women of Shondaland: Shonda Rhimes, Kerry Washington, Ellen Pompeo, and Viola Davis

It’s no surprise that Shonda Rhimes is political. She’s written her take on major political events like police brutality into her shows. She showed her support for Clinton explicitly when she was joined by her leading ladies — Kerry Washington, Ellen Pompeo, and Viola Davis — in a campaign ad for Clinton.

“I make television filled with the kind of characters I imagine we all can be,” Rhimes said in the video.

“Our characters are on television, but the real world, the real world has Hillary Clinton,” the three actresses said.

They praise Clinton as “a bona fide, rolls-up-her-sleeves, fights-for-what’s-right, in-it-for-you, won’t-back-down champion for all of us.”

Even Clinton was wowed by the “power” of that lineup. The candidated also visited the “Scandal” set, which prompted Washington to call her a “good friend.”


Oprah said, “I’m with her” to Entertainment Tonight, adding that there should finally be a female president.

It’s about time that we make that decision,” she said.

Ellen DeGeneres

The talk-show host had Clinton on her show and voiced her support during the interivew.

You know what a supporter I am,” DeGeneres said. “I think you are smart as can be, you are qualified. I think you stand for everything that I want in a president.”

Demi Lovato

The pop star sang “Confident” for Clinton and helped rally support among young female voters in Iowa. Lovato once again sang the song and spoke in support of Clinton at the DNC.

I stand here today as proof that you can live a normal and empowered life with mental illness,” she said on the stage. “I am proud to support a presidential candidate who will fight to ensure all people with mental health conditions get the care they need to live fulfilling lives. That candidate is Hillary Clinton.”

Uzo Aduba

The “Orange Is the New Black” star and Emmy winner has tweeted her support of Clinton and recently joined her costars and Lena Dunham in the first Humanity for Hillary video called “This Is What My Revolution Looks Like.” In it, Aduba calls for more female representation in government to reflect the amount of women in the population.

Jamie Lee Curtis

The actress has actively voiced her support of Clinton on social media — Instagram being her tool of choice — but most famously gave an impassioned speech by Clinton’s side at a rally in California.

“I’m going to play all of our woman’s card,” she said. “We are playing with a full deck, and we are going to welcome Hillary Rodham Clinton as the next President of the United States.”

Will Ferrell

The comedian previously endorsed Bernie Sanders, but switched his vote to Clinton, saying in a statement, “I feel both candidates have very good ideas on how to run the country and positively influence the lives of Americans. More importantly, whoever the Democratic nominee is, they will have my vote.”

Elton John

Sir Elton sang for Clinton at a concert, saying “This is a very important year for America. And she’s the only hope you have.”

J.J. Abrams

The “Star Trek” and “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” director is one of Hollywood’s biggest Democratic supporters.

We believe in her as the strongest candidate,” Abrams said in an interview with The Daily Beast. “She does have the experience and the politics. She is compassionate, and right. When I look at the people who need the support that aren’t necessarily getting it, I believe that she would provide that. That is really the way that we have to approach how we vote: Look around and ask yourself, who needs to be brought up? Who needs to be emphasized? Who needs compassion? And I find that that’s something that she’s got.”

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