Fans are freaking out over the jaw-dropping ‘Game of Thrones’ season finale

cersei smug


WARNING: Lots of spoilers ahead for “Game of Thrones” season six.

Season six of “Game of Thrones” came to an end Sunday night and it left fans reeling from gruesome deaths, unbelievable twists, and finally the long-awaited confirmation of a major fan theory.

Not only did Cersei blow up the Sept of Baelor with wildfire with Margaery, the High Sparrow, and more all meeting their ends, but we finally got to see the rest of that epic Tower of Joy flashback sequence.

Nearly every single scene from this season six, episode 10 “Winds of Winter” was a winner. Let’s break down all the exciting things that just happened in that final episode.

The little birds brutally murdered by stabbing him to death Maester Pycelle while Qyburn watches on. 

The little Birds also helped Cersei blow up the Sept of the Baelor with Wildfire, killing the High Sparrow, Loras, Margaery, and everyone else in the process.

Cersei had an epic, horrifying revenge scene with Septa Unella where she poured wine all over her and then confessed all of her sins before having the undead Mountain torture her.

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